As a Faircloth Estates homeowner, we are pleased to provide you with a place for discussions regarding our neighborhood.  We encourage you to use this forum to get to know your neighbors and promote your ideas.  We expect your posts to be friendly and professional.  The Board reserves the right to delete posts that are offensive and even ban users who continue to be unprofessional.  Respect your neighbors and we can grow​ our community in a positive direction!

Our forum is limited to a blog format where a Faircloth Estates Board member posts a relevant topic and the residents comment on that topic using the "Comment" feature.  Residents may also reply to a particular comment by using the "Reply" feature.  Hover your mouse pointer to the right of a commenting author's name​ and the "Reply" feature will appear.   If you would like the Board to start a new topic, use the CONTACT link.

The forum is password protected for your privacy.​

CLICK HERE to access the ​forum.